To: Nikolaus Zmeskall von Domanovecz
Vienna, November, 1813

Anderson v1 pg427 - letter #435

        It was not possible to see you, my dear Z[meskall], during my present stay.   Please do not forget my request. It is really not necessary for me to see the servant, provided that there are some reliable testimonials to his loyalty or moral character. For one can hardly ever find all that one wants –– The manservant we engage could come to me in the middle of this month, about the 13th, or at the end of the month at latest. – I will write to you about this from Baden –

                                      In haste, your friend

       Forgive the informal paper and handwriting.
       NB. The servant’s month begins on the 25th of every month.  Therefore the middle of the month or any date before the 25th would do.